Monday, June 18, 2012

Take Me To The River

As I listened to this song, I began wondering...What would it look like if everyone who said they were a Christian really allowed the Lord to take them to the river and let Him begin to drown every selfish, fleshly desire they had? What would happen if the Church put every other lover they had in the water, and left it there??

River Baptism

The answer... The Bride of Christ would be operating in the power and authority that She has in Christ. She would be operating in Kingdom, seeing signs, wonders, and miracles; and walk in the power and demonstration of the Most High!

I then began to think about how it is possible that so many people would be willing to give up everything they have for things such as: alcohol, drugs, gambling, lust, etc. but yet is not willing to sacrifice everything for the Lord? Why is it so much easier for people to give up things for the world but yet when it comes to God people come up with every excuse of why they can't do something. There are to many Christians, who are caught up in obtaining that American dream that they forget that the things of this world will pass away. I am not saying that having nice things and wanting nice things is wrong. What I am saying is do not put it before God. If God says give it up, be obedient and give it up! When you were living in the world and were addicted to whatever it may have been, you would have seen to it that you would have gotten your fix no matter the cost, am I right? Well God is so much greater than any addiction, why not see to it that you are doing everything to please Him? All I am saying is that why worry about this worldly stuff. God is going to take care of His children. The rich, young ruler did not want to give up what he had and follow the Lord, so he walked away saddened. Don't be like that young ruler. He had everything that anyone could ever dream of, yet he was unhappy because he was not obedient to the Lord.

Job lost everything, but yet he NEVER cursed the Lord and ended up with double of what he started with. Jesus didn't have a place to lay His head and He was the Son of God, the Savior, the one who sacrificed Himself for OUR sins. John the Baptist went into the wilderness and ate locust and wild honey... And yet here we are not willing to give up those things the Lord asks us to because we are "comfortable". But let me let you in on a little secret, when you get comfortable in you walk with God it opens up door ways to become complacent. So it is time to get uncomfortable! Be a forerunner, push onward prepare a way for a generation to follow. Give someone permission to live completely free and sold out to God!! :)

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