Sunday, June 17, 2012


Gliding across the room,
As if she’s floating on air.
Her arms and legs move freely,
Plié, Relevé, she says to herself
All her movements are precise.
She looks so happy and free,
But is she really?
The outside may look free,
But, on the inside,
There is no freedom,
She cannot move.
She is bound in chains
Chains of inadequacy, fear of man, doubt
Measuring herself up against others
She struggles to get free.
Day in and day out,
She lives in turmoil
Nobody sees her pain,
But look into her eyes,
You see the pain.
But there is One with eyes of fire
Who can take it all away
With one glance
Her chains would be broken
No longer to be held captive
The inside just as free as the outside
Just with that one glance
She will see herself for who she truly is
A strong and mighty woman
An asset to the Kingdom of God
Her faults and failures
Now testimonies of strength
Able to break the strongholds in others’ lives
By just a few words
Her dance
A witness
A witness of what God can do
No longer bound to lies and deception
She would live a life of freedom
As the Lords

Ballerina Falling on Couch

*Day in and day, we come in contact with all kinds of people who are hurting. People who seem to be free on the outside, but yet are bound by many things on the inside. Some are bound with addictions, such as drugs, alcohol, pornography. Others are bound by thoughts, such as inadequecy, fear of man, doubt. Some are bound by more than one of these things. We may not be able to tell just from the appearance of someone, of how they are doing. But look into their eyes, alllow the Lord to let you see through His eyes. He see’s them for what they can be, inside and out, FREE! Let your life be an introduction of the freedom they can have, let you life be an introduction to a God who wants to love them for them, and set them free from everything! :)

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