Thursday, January 24, 2013

Be Steadfast!

What does it mean to be steadfast?? According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary steadfast means "firmly fixed in place; immovable. Not subject to change. firm in belief, determination, or adherence." So to be steadfast is to go after something with a made up mind that you will not relent until you see whatever it is you are contending to see... Right? When it comes to our relationship with God we need to be steadfast. Constantly yearning to be in His presence. Regardless of the circumstances and situations going on around us our hearts should long for nothing more than to see the face of God. How could we not want to see his face? "...His eyes were like a blazing fire." (Revelation 1:14) Why not look into those eyes and allow them to burn away every other desire? How could we not want to be in His presence? In His presence all things are made new... It is time we stir up a fresh desire to pursue His face. Maybe I am just talking to myself, or maybe this is really hitting home with you... All I know is that something needs to happen in the Body of Christ. We(the Body of Christ)have lost that steadfastness that is needed to see God's Glory rush over us and invade our churches. We have become content to just go about a routine and allow things to remain stagnant. Nobody wants to drink water that has been sitting out over night let alone for months, when they can grab a fresh, cold bottle of water out of the fridge. So why are we constantly settling for things that have happened in the past? Isn't it time for something fresh and new? It also seems we have lost the zeal to see His mighty hand move in the lives of our lost loved ones and even the ones who are lost we don't even know. We pray, or at least I know I have prayed before, and still do, "God break my heart for what breaks Yours.", but is it a sincere prayer? Or are we just saying that because we know that is what we should pray? Does God's heart not break for His children who do not know Him or want to even give Him the time of day? So should not our hearts be broken for the souls that do not know God? Satan is steadfast in pursuit of people, scripture says he is like a roaring lion seeking to devour. If we knew a child was fixing to get mauled by a lion would we not do everything in our power to save that child? WAKE UP CHURCH! There are people in this world who are being sought out by a hungry, devious, lion who is seeking to steal, kill and destroy anyone and everyone he can. These people are people God sent His Son to die for so that they may go free! It is time we do what we can to save them! When we want something bad enough we make sure we get it, it doesn't matter what it is we contend for it. Whether it was a toy when we were a child that we constantly begged our parents for, some new gadget that was out when we became teenagers that we either babysat, cut grass, or begged our parents for or whether as adults it is a job that we would break our necks to get so we could supply for our families, either way we never gave up fighting for it until we received it. So why should we give up so easily on the lost? Why should we give up so easily on seeing God move in our services a fresh and new? If we can contend and hold steadfast to the things we want in the world, why can't we do that for the things of God? He is the one who has given us Freedom, He is the one who loves us unconditionally. Scripture says "And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force." Matthew 11:12. It is time we got violent for the things of God instead of just talking about them. Church, don't let them enemy try trick you. NO WEAPON FORMED AGAINST YOU SHALL BE ABLE TO PROSPER! Hold tight, stand still and see the salvation of the Lord! Be steadfast, immovable, stand firm do not give up! Get back between the porch and the altar and weep to see things change and to once again see a fresh move of God. Revival starts in our hearts! Be revived today!

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