Monday, June 18, 2012

Take Me To The River

As I listened to this song, I began wondering...What would it look like if everyone who said they were a Christian really allowed the Lord to take them to the river and let Him begin to drown every selfish, fleshly desire they had? What would happen if the Church put every other lover they had in the water, and left it there??

River Baptism

The answer... The Bride of Christ would be operating in the power and authority that She has in Christ. She would be operating in Kingdom, seeing signs, wonders, and miracles; and walk in the power and demonstration of the Most High!

I then began to think about how it is possible that so many people would be willing to give up everything they have for things such as: alcohol, drugs, gambling, lust, etc. but yet is not willing to sacrifice everything for the Lord? Why is it so much easier for people to give up things for the world but yet when it comes to God people come up with every excuse of why they can't do something. There are to many Christians, who are caught up in obtaining that American dream that they forget that the things of this world will pass away. I am not saying that having nice things and wanting nice things is wrong. What I am saying is do not put it before God. If God says give it up, be obedient and give it up! When you were living in the world and were addicted to whatever it may have been, you would have seen to it that you would have gotten your fix no matter the cost, am I right? Well God is so much greater than any addiction, why not see to it that you are doing everything to please Him? All I am saying is that why worry about this worldly stuff. God is going to take care of His children. The rich, young ruler did not want to give up what he had and follow the Lord, so he walked away saddened. Don't be like that young ruler. He had everything that anyone could ever dream of, yet he was unhappy because he was not obedient to the Lord.

Job lost everything, but yet he NEVER cursed the Lord and ended up with double of what he started with. Jesus didn't have a place to lay His head and He was the Son of God, the Savior, the one who sacrificed Himself for OUR sins. John the Baptist went into the wilderness and ate locust and wild honey... And yet here we are not willing to give up those things the Lord asks us to because we are "comfortable". But let me let you in on a little secret, when you get comfortable in you walk with God it opens up door ways to become complacent. So it is time to get uncomfortable! Be a forerunner, push onward prepare a way for a generation to follow. Give someone permission to live completely free and sold out to God!! :)

Sunday, June 17, 2012

The Father's Delight


The sweetest breath I take
The cleanest air I breathe
Is when I am in Your presence.

Nothing greater than being there
Nothing else matters in that moment
Only knowing I am in the presence of the King

No where else can I be made whole
No where else can I feel so free
Knowing Your love for me
Can never be taken

The world could be crashing down
No thought of what is happening
But yet, You comfort me
And I find peace in You

So undeserving am I
To be in Your presence
Yet you find me fitting
You take deep delight in me

No More Excuses!

I was going through some old letters the Lord and I had wrote back and forth and some old study notes the other day. And I came across something the Lord had dealt with me about, that I had completely forgot about and I think it is such a fitting time to share it.
On September 18th, 2010, this is what was on my heart:
“So they inquired further of the Lord, ‘Has the man come here yet?’ And the Lord said, ‘Yes, he has hidden himself among the baggage’.” -1 Samuel 10:22
“He has hidden himself among the baggage”- Many do this. As we see, God chose Saul to be the one appointed King. Israel wanted to be like all the “other” nations. (1 Samuel 8:19-20) Israel was so wrapped up in wanting to conform and be like the other nations they refused to do what God wanted. They insisted on having a king.
Christians today are just as Israel, they want what the world has but…what does light and darkness have in common? We can’t have the things of this world and still burn for the Lord. God has called us to be a separate people. But when He does call us we try to hide behind baggage we have in our life. We aren’t willing to let go of the things in our life to live a fully surrendered life. We try to recall the things that have us trapped and bogged down to make an excuse for why we can’t do it. But Christ is the deliverer. He wanted us to walk in boldness and authority. to proclaim His name and pursue our calling.

No More Excuses

Now back to the present:
Scripture says: “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold all things have become new.” -2 Corinthians 5:17
Just with this one scripture it takes away EVERY excuse we have. It says “old things have passed away; behold all things have become new.” Knowing you are destined for great things, and God longs for fellowship with His bride, why make excuses to be with the one who loves you UNCONDITIONALLY? Excuses are nothing more than baggage that keeps you bound. The thing is, we need to stop focusing on the excuse of “why we can’t”, and begin to focus on every reason of “why we CAN!” God has given His Bride the power and authority to do everything He has called her to! If the church realized the power and authority we had then things would be a lot different. We really could see a world turn UPSIDE DOWN FOR CHRIST! So Church, rise up, prepare for battle, put on the Armour of God, and pursue what God has called us to do! NO MORE EXCUSES!


Gliding across the room,
As if she’s floating on air.
Her arms and legs move freely,
Plié, Relevé, she says to herself
All her movements are precise.
She looks so happy and free,
But is she really?
The outside may look free,
But, on the inside,
There is no freedom,
She cannot move.
She is bound in chains
Chains of inadequacy, fear of man, doubt
Measuring herself up against others
She struggles to get free.
Day in and day out,
She lives in turmoil
Nobody sees her pain,
But look into her eyes,
You see the pain.
But there is One with eyes of fire
Who can take it all away
With one glance
Her chains would be broken
No longer to be held captive
The inside just as free as the outside
Just with that one glance
She will see herself for who she truly is
A strong and mighty woman
An asset to the Kingdom of God
Her faults and failures
Now testimonies of strength
Able to break the strongholds in others’ lives
By just a few words
Her dance
A witness
A witness of what God can do
No longer bound to lies and deception
She would live a life of freedom
As the Lords

Ballerina Falling on Couch

*Day in and day, we come in contact with all kinds of people who are hurting. People who seem to be free on the outside, but yet are bound by many things on the inside. Some are bound with addictions, such as drugs, alcohol, pornography. Others are bound by thoughts, such as inadequecy, fear of man, doubt. Some are bound by more than one of these things. We may not be able to tell just from the appearance of someone, of how they are doing. But look into their eyes, alllow the Lord to let you see through His eyes. He see’s them for what they can be, inside and out, FREE! Let your life be an introduction of the freedom they can have, let you life be an introduction to a God who wants to love them for them, and set them free from everything! :)

Every Part Of Me Belongs To God

My heart beats but not to pump blood,
It beats to worship the Lord.
Every beat is a song.
A love song being sang to God.
I breathe.
But do not live in the world.
I breathe to worship God.
I breathe a declaration.
A declaration that my life is His.
I move.
But not to get where I want.
I move as an act of dance, to praise God in my movement.
As a life surrendered to Him.
For Him to guide me, not my flesh to guide me.
My soul longs for more.
It yearns to be filled, then to be emptied out
To be refilled and continue the process.
There is a deep aching within me.
Something that cannot be contained.
There is a drawing.
It is pulling me closer to God.
An excitement ready to bust!
I am a servant of the Most High!
Every part of my being is to bring Him glory!